Architectural Outline of MinatoMirai Grand Central Tower

  • Yokohama, and MinatoMirai Area
  • Architectural Outline of MinatoMirai Grand Central Tower
  • Overview of the Office floors
  • Access
  • Galleries


Rank S certified under CASBEE Yokohama A landscape of some 4,000 square meters in harmony with the local community.

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  • Prova Square
  • Sail Square
  • Grand Mall Park

Taking advantage of its location adjacent to the Yokohama Museum of Art, the Minatomirai Grand Central Tower has a number of different squares , producing a lively ambience. The site also contributes to its local character, with its focus on art and culture. Given that Minatomirai Grand Central Tower constitutes part of the Yokohama skyline, the structure is designed to have a height of 120 meters. As a high-class building, we have understood our responsibility to attain consistency with the cityscape and harmony with the local community.


In June 2009, the Minatomirai Grand Central Tower was certified with the highest Rank S under the Yokohama City Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE Yokohama). This means that the Tower has been recognized as an eco-friendly, energy-efficient office building.

Prova Square

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Integrated with other squares in neighboring blocks and with the Grand Mall Park.

Commercial mall

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Located on the side of the Grand Mall Park, commercial facilities display vibrant business activities.

Sail Square

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With many different plants, waterscape facilities, and artworks inspired by sails.

Green Theater

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Serves as a stage for an array of events.

Use of rainwater

The rainwater that falls on the rooftop of the building is used as flush water for toilets on lower floors and as water for plants and waterscape facilities.

Urban heat island control

The squares in the premises are equipped with waterscape facilities, green spaces and water-retaining pavement to manage the rising ground temperature.